Lars Adeheimer is Swedish, living outside Stockholm. He has been in dogs since he got his first Welshterrier, born 1958. Lars was very active in the Terrierjuniorclub of Sweden, as a matter of fact one of the first juniorclubs in the world.
Lars started to learn grooming by the wellknewn English doghandler Albert Langley. From 1960 Lars spending his summers living, learning and attending dogshows in England. His Aden's Welshterriers was famous all over the world, he was the first one to import a Welsh to England bred by himself in Sweden and made up to English Champion.
After that 2 more Adens Welsh's got the English Championtitle bred in Sweden. Adens Welshterriers got their championtitles trough the years in Sweden more than 50 but also in Europé, USA, Canada and Australia. He stopped the breeding 1987 but has now taken it up again. Lars nowadays has a genuine Swedish breed Danish-Swedish Farmdogs and still in Welshterrier.
Lars is approved to judge by the Swedish Kennel Club since 1983, however he was passed by the English Kennelclub many years before on his English merits to award CC in England for Welshterrier. Lars has judged dogs all over the world, from New Zeeland, Australia, Royal Madras in India, almost all European countries, Canada and United States.
He is approved for all Terriers and sighthounds and he awards CC in more than 130 breeds. Other of his favourites is the Bichons and many of the toybreeds but a warm heart is also there for the Afghans. Latest aproved breed are Poodels. He is today both breeding, showing and grooming as the Welshterriers are back in the family again. Lars is the president of the judges association in Sweden and very active in different dogclubs.